INFP : The Mediator, a Romantic and Creative Type
I : Introvert - Inner Self, Thoughts
N : INtuition - Ideals, Theory, Prediction
F : Feeling - Interpersonal Relationships, Value Judgment
P : Perceiving - Autonomy, Flexibility
INFPs possess a romantic and creative temperament, characterized by inner depth and passionate convictions.
Characteristics of the INFP Type:
INFPs have an introverted nature, with a primary focus on their inner world and thoughts.
They possess intuitive and idealistic tendencies, preferring theoretical and predictive thinking.
INFPs attach great importance to interpersonal relationships and value judgments in the realm of emotions, while also pursuing autonomy and flexibility.
The dominant function of INFPs is introverted feeling (Fi), which involves exploring their inner selves and placing importance on authenticity.
They highly value individuality and are skilled at expressing it. Their auxiliary function, extraverted intuition (Ne), excels in connecting disparate ideas and possesses a vivid imagination.
Establishing and Maintaining a Good Relationship with INFPs:
A. Respecting Personal Space and Time:
INFPs have an introverted nature and require alone time. Respecting their personal space and providing them with the freedom to have the amount of alone time they need assists in their energy restoration and self-exploration.
B. Gentle Communication and Understanding:
Due to their emotional sensitivity, it is important to use kind and thoughtful language when communicating with INFPs. Adopt an attitude of empathy and understanding toward their emotions, expressing interest and respect for their ideals and values. This fosters a sense of intimacy in the relationship with INFPs.
C. Acknowledging Authenticity and Creativity:
INFPs place great importance on fidelity to their identity and values. Recognizing and praising their authenticity and creativity helps strengthen the relationship. Respect and support their ideas and passions, providing a foundation for a richer connection.
Persuading INFPs: Approach Based on Empathy and Understanding:
Since INFPs prioritize emotions and values, an approach that empathizes with and understands the emotions and values of the other person is necessary when trying to persuade them. Take the time to listen to their emotions and understand their perspectives. This allows them to consider different viewpoints and engage in open-minded conversations.
Utilize Practical Examples and Experiences:
INFPs find persuasive power in practical examples and experiences rather than theoretical reasoning. Therefore, when attempting to persuade an INFP, use real-life cases or personal experiences as examples. This enables them to accept perspectives from a practical standpoint.
Flexibility and Mutual Compromise:
INFPs possess a flexible nature, and approaching them with strong logic or an imposing attitude can lead to resistance. When attempting to persuade them, maintain a flexible attitude and a posture of mutual compromise. Finding common ground and reconciling differing opinions is essential.