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MBTI, ENFP personality, To establish a positive relationship with an ENFP, To persuade an ENFP

by 매일성장코치 2023. 6. 22.

Among the various MBTI personality types,

ENFP is characterized as an extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving type.


ENFP individuals are known for their rich imagination, passionate nature, and free-spiritedness. They possess sociability, optimism, creativity, and a love for freedom. Understanding and respecting the temperament and mindset of an ENFP is crucial in fostering a good relationship with them.


To establish a positive relationship with an ENFP,  here are some specific actions you can take:


1. Spend time together and show interest in their thoughts and opinions. Support their ideas and visions. Encouraging their dreams is an excellent way to motivate them.


2. Engage in conversations about their interests and passions. Sharing discussions about their areas of interest is a great way to connect and build a strong relationship.


3. Respect their independence and freedom. ENFPs value freedom, so granting them the space to do what they desire is important.


4. Offer encouragement. ENFPs appreciate praise and encouragement. Support their adventurous spirit and creativity by acknowledging and motivating them.


5. Understand and empathize with their emotional needs. Additionally, ENFPs enjoy spending enjoyable moments together. Make an effort to have a good time with them. ENFPs can be challenging to persuade. They are free-spirited, independent, and unafraid to express their thoughts and opinions. They are also emotionally sensitive and enjoy empathizing with others.


To persuade an ENFP and build a good interpersonal relationship,

consider the following principles based on the psychology of persuasion and opening people's minds:


1. Principle of Affinity: Approach them with likability. Show interest in their words, engage in conversations about their interests, and compliment their strengths.


2. Principle of Agreement: Start with small points of agreement and empathy. Sometimes, emotional empathy can be more effective than logical reasoning for ENFPs.


3. Principle of Social Proof: Share stories and empathize with them about the lives of individuals they admire and respect. They will welcome you into their hearts and embrace your company.


4. Principle of Rarity: Share rare and unique things that align with their interests to make them value it more. When trying to persuade an ENFP, offer something interesting and new that captures their attention.


5. Principle of Urgency: Communicate the importance of your ideas by indicating that others might catch on quickly if they don't act soon. While allowing them space, create a sense of urgency in their minds.


6. Principle of Consistency: Maintain consistent behavior and effective communication until you feel a strong connection and mutual understanding.


7. Principle of Catharsis: Respond passionately and empathetically, allowing them to experience satisfaction by obtaining what they seek. By doing so, they will be more receptive to your proposals.
